Konnichiwa!!!! Muscle gate is over. I got the 4th place. First of all I want to thank everyone for their support.
All of my dear clients for putting the meaning to all of this, for support and for understanding at times. I love you all and more then anything would love you to get to your goals in most efficient way
I want to thank all of my followers who have been chearing me up in this long and not easy journey. You guys keep me in shape with the demand for news. And even who cares what people think, my Motivation is different: I want to inspire for better life!
To all my friends for understanding and patience.
To my coaches for inspiring and pushing me above my limits. You are my wall to relay on in any time and any moment, huge inspiration and example to follow. LOVE! SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART!
And thank you MUSCLE GATE for such an amazing challenge opportunity this year. @muscle_gate
I couldn’t do this with out all of the people around me. It is not only the competition, this whole year has been a life changing for me and I’m very greatfull for all of you and 2020!
And Thank you Goods Gym @goldsgym.harajukuannex ! Almost like my second home
こんにちわ!!!! マッスルゲートが終わりました。私は4位になれました まずは皆さんに感謝です
そして今年はこんな素晴らしいチャレンジの機会を与えてくれたMUSCLE GATEさんに感謝しています。 @muscle_gate
最後にジムの方々にもありがとうを言いたいです!@goldsgym.harajukuannex 第2の家のように思っております